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Chief Flaherty Receives Accreditation Through the Massachusetts Fire Service Commission
The Massachusetts Fire Service Commission granted accreditation to Chief Robert Flaherty of the Hatfield Fire Department on September 15, 2022, who ha
Open Burning - 2022
Open Burning season runs from January 15th through May 1st.
Brush Burning Regulations:
- Your permit is for BRUSH ONLY! All other materials are illegal. No leaves, grass, hay, stumps, building debris or any other materials are allowed to be burned.
- All open burning must be a minimum of 75 feet from buildings or structures.
- Burning will be allowed to start at 10AM and must be extinguished by 4PM. You MUST call the fire department prior to 10AM on the day you wish to burn (413-247-9008)
- Any open fire must be attended at all times by permit holder.
- No person shall set, maintain or increase a fire in open air at any time except by permission by the Fire Department.
- Must be 18 years or older to apply for permit and/or set, maintain or increase fire once permission has been granted by the Fire Department.
- Tge Fure Deoartnebt cab refyse ir cabcek a oernut at abt tune, (Example: Violation of permit regulations, or change in weather conditions.)
- Open burning season is January 15 to May 1.
- Massachusetts Regulation 310 CMR: DEP 7.07 "Open Burning"
Citizens who wish to complete a Permit for Open Burning must either call the fire station (413-247-9008) prior to 10am on the day they wish to burn, or request an Open Burning Permit online. Residents are encouraged to utilize the online option to request their permits.
Burning permits have a $10 fee, paid once per address, per burning season. All burning sites will be inspected by the Fire Department prior to burning on the first day you wish to burn, and individuals will have to call and request to burn each day of the season they wish to burn. Though, the fee is only paid once.
Burning regulations will be posted here in the near future, and the ability to burn is very weather dependent.
Fire Chief Says More Staff Needed as Calls Rise in Hatfield
Article published by Daily Hampshire Gazette
Follow the link below to read the article:
Firefighters & EMTs Wanted
The Hatfield Fire Department is hiring citizens interested in working in public safety.
As a call fire department, our personnel are built of citizens from within the commumity. Members come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and everyone contributes to the common goal. With that said, we are always in need of new members and welcome those interested.
We are currently accepting applications for those interested in either the fire department, ambulance, or both. No previous training or experience required! We provide all necessary fire training, and are willing to send interested people to EMT class at our expense.
Those interested should call the Fire Department at (413)-247-9008, complete the application, or just stop by the station during normal work hours. We have training almost every Thursday at 7pm, and its always open to the public. Click here for an Application.
HFD Awarded Homeland Security Grant
Chief Flaherty announces $160,000 federal AFG grant
Immediate Release
Fire Chief Robert Flaherty announced a federal homeland security grant through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program in the amount of $161,238.10. The funds from this grant will help to purchase new portable and mobile communications equipment. This will help replace radios that no longer meet current standards and have limited capabilities.
Chief Flaherty stated “The Assistance to Firefighters Grant program is a competitive process that involves applications being screened via a computer program in the first stage and then a peer panel review looking through narratives explaining the needs of the applicant. This year over 8,100 applications were submitted across the country. This process provides an outside perspective and validates the need for new equipment. Communications equipment had been identified on the department’s capital improvement plan for a few years and this grant will help defray the costs associated with this purchase. The new communications equipment will serve Hatfield Fire well into the future and provide for interoperability throughout the region.
The department will be finalizing specifications for the new radios over the next week with an anticipated delivery of late fall, followed by in-service training provided by the vendor.
Senior SAFE Program
The Department is looking to assure that all SENIOR CITIZENS have working Smoke Detectors/ Carbon Monixide Detectors in their homes. If you are unsure about your detectors, or don't believe you have adequate detection, please call the Fire Department @ 247-9008.
Through SAFE Grant funding we will be more than happy to install detectors in your homes.